The following is a recap of our AMA that was held on December 13th, 2022.

아래는 12월 13일 진행한 AMA의 요약본입니다. 국문으로 바로 가시려면 여기를 클릭해주세요!


Hello, tripleS fans! Thank you so much for taking the time to join us in our AMA today. I am Nathan Kim, the moderator of today's AMA, which is the first-ever live Q&A of Modhaus, the producer of tripleS and COSMO. I’m honored to be one of the speakers and discuss COSMO and Objekt.

I'm here today with Audrey, who is a marketer at Modhaus. She will be translating this AMA from English to Korean.

We are going to start by answering the questions submitted by our fans. And then proceed to take a few live questions from our audience as well.

We’ve received questions from Dec. 9th to 11th (3 days in total), and more than 500 questions were submitted. We are always thankful for your love towards tripleS.

We took the time to carefully go through each question you sent. However, due to limited time, we had to select questions for the AMA. We are sorry for not being able to answer all of your questions. However, please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas through our Discord channel. The team and moderators will keep an eye on your feedback.

Let's dive in!

Team Introduction

COSMO Roadmap

COSMO seems to have basic features such as sending, filtering, and participating in Gravity. However, we’d like to know the foremost feature moving forward.

To give you guys a sneak peek of our upcoming update, our STAN tab is getting ready to update to our 2nd and 3rd edition Objekts. As the new year looms before us, our team is actively discussing our 2023 roadmap. We’re listening to the user voices, so please leave lots of brilliant ideas in the suggestion channel through our Discord channel!

What do you consider to be the main differentiator between COSMO and other idol apps?